The history of Jane Austen

The History of Jane Austen & No.1 The Paragon

The History of Jane Austen & No.1 The Paragon is highly documented and continues to play a significant part of Jane Austen’s journey as a Novelist.

Jane Austen first arrived into Bath in 1801 and continued to do so until 1806. At the time of her first visit, Jane Austen’s aunt and uncle, the Leigh Perrot’s, owned No.1 The Paragon. It was here that Jane Austen, and her mother, Cassandra Leigh, would initially reside.  

Throughout her stay, Jane Austen would write to her sister with tales of her experience of Bath. Eventually, she would decide that the City of Bath would be the inspiration for her next two novels.

Both her books, ‘Persuasion’ and ‘Northanger Abbey’ are a clear reflection of Jane Austen’s fondness of Bath. With both books partly based in Bath you will find several references to places that she visited and demonstrates her love for the city. Such places are still visited today by those exploring Bath. Furthermore, you will find that all have been kept as original as the day Jane Austen herself stepped foot inside.

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The Jane Austen Centre

If you would like to learn more about the history of Jane Austen, then it really is worth visiting The Jane Austen Centre. This is located just a few minutes walk from No.1 The Paragon. You’ll be guided around a Georgian Townhouse streaming in information of Jane Austen and her families experiences of Bath. You’ll even get a chance to dress in full Regency attire! 

You can find full details of the Jane Austen Centre below..

Jane Austen centre